1st Letter to Noah

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Dear brother Noah,

I have felt for some time that I should write to you in regard to some of the things you have been preaching about recently. 

First of all, let me commend you on your message that a flood is coming. You know, of course, that I am trying to believe this as much as you do. A flood may come, and the world supposed to be warned. You say that the Lord has given you a special message in this matter and I respect that. Let me join you in your concern that people understand that they must look to the Lord for deliverance. Not necessary building a boat like you, but trough Him. I don’t know yet how, but I think most of our brethren are on the same page with this doctrine.

Now about this ark thing. Many feel you have spent far too much time talking about it. It became an obsession for you. I'm afraid I have to agree with them, although I don't for a minute question your sincerity in building it or preaching about it. But can't you see this smack of legalism? It is, if you will forgive my saying so, an extremely subjective approach to the problem of the flood.

There is a chance that before the flood is over, this business about the ark might become relevant. But who ever heard of God giving someone a message 120 years ahead of when it was needed? At least wait until it's going to rain long enough so that people can begin to judge accurately and fairly for them-selves whether God expects them to swim, row, or build some lifeboats for themselves. Then, if necessary, come to us with your ark thing. Only after that we will ask the board to approve some founds for this ongoing project of yours. Until then, don't rock the boat! Sincerely yours, 

                                                                                                                                        Elder Luke Warm Sr.

[to be continued]