Church Reopening


  “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:3)

Welcome! We are glad to be back together to worship our Savior, and fellowship with one another. To keep ourselves as healthy as possible during this time of transition, please follow the guidelines and if you have questions related to them feel free to contact any of our church leaders. 

We ask that all individuals who are 65 and above, and/or have an underlying at-risk health condition, to consider staying at home, or venture out cautiously, following the safety protocol.

  • Use non-contact greetings, like air-fives, elbow bumps, etc. Maintain at least 6 feet between individuals/family units during worship and Sabbath School, and also while socializing at church. If the weather permits, please socialize outside.

  • Let’s keep some doors and windows open to circulate fresh air into the building, weather permitting. If you have to cough, do so on the inside bend of your elbow. Also, for your safety don’t rub, itch, touch your face (eyes, nose, or mouth).

  • Please sit in the marked pews for social distancing except families - they should sit together.

  • The church is going to be cleaned and all high-contact surfaces disinfected regularly. Nevertheless, use hand sanitizers regularly (as you enter the building, during the services, and when you leave). Also, please wash your hands often.

  • Until further notice, we will not be having fellowship meals, and the drinking fountain will not be in use. They are some water bottles available, but you are encouraged to bring your own, preferably reusable. 

  • It is highly recommended to wear a face mask.

  • We will avoid handing out materials and church bulletins, for the time being (except for these guidelines, which have been safely prepared).

  • For the offerings - the plates will not be passed around as usual so live your gift into the treasurer box. Also use the on-line safe and secure giving tool -

*Please do not come to church if you are symptomatic, not feeling well, or if you have tested positive for COVID-19.

We are reminded of this blessing from Apostle Paul, a man of faith who faced far more severe problems in his ministry than what we are experiencing now - Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, 

with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your

 hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

May the peace of God dwell richly in this place of worship as well as in our homes. Stay safe, keep sweet and be blessed.

Pastor Ovid Radulescu